Saturday, August 2, 2008

Time Out Spot

Yesterday I had to put Lincoln in time out 4 different times for climbing up onto the kitchen island and turning on the faucet and squirting water everywhere. We have not totally decided on our favorite method of discipline yet. But for Linc this does work sometimes. My sister in law Brie gave us this Time Out Spot Mat and we put it in the Dinning room away from everything!

Well after the 4th time out in 20 min., I asked him if he was going to do it again, thinking that he would say no, and then I would let him get up and that issue would be done, but he just kept smiling and when I asked he actually had the nerve to say "yes". So I asked again, "are you going to do that again?" I thought he just did not understand the question, but he said "yes" again. I then was convinced he did not know what he was saying. I did not think that literally 2 min. later he would keep his word by doing it all over AGAIN!

When I walked around to the kitchen and he saw me, he turned the water off, got down and walked directly to the dinning room and sat on his Time Out Mat! Smiling the whole time!

So, I am selling a Time Out Mat. Any bidders?


Wendy Wilson said...

Oh my gosh! This is sooo funny! I would have paid money to see that friend! Good luck!

Jewels said...

Okay that story is so classic...I love it. One time out spot for sale. I am laughing right now just thinking about that look on his face when he told you yes. sounds like he is not exactly the time out kind of kid:)

Lisa P said...

Sara--fun to "see" you here.

Funny, ornery, and at least honest! You know what you're dealing with. Keep the stories comin'!

Diane Davis said...

great story...